Teaching an old dog new tricks
It’s official - I’m old and not very limber.
Image filmed by Bob Seabold.
To my own surprise, I started Pilates today. I’ve got to say, it’s pretty cool. Granted, I have no idea what I’m doing - but just giving it a try and moving my body felt good. My instructor, Debra is a dynamite motivator and put me at ease right away. Of course, I am taking baby steps, which means I talked Debra into showing me what it’s all about without an entire class around. What else would you expect from a guy that suffers from Social Anxiety?
Image filmed by Bob Seabold.
It’s so easy (and comfortable) to simply take a pill in the privacy of my home, but to really deal with my depression and anxiety at its core, I know I’ve got to get out there among other people and put myself in situations that make me the most uncomfortable. Not to confront the demons, but more to find relief from the symptoms. If I can get over the initial stress and fear of joining the group, I know I will benefit from the experience. Easier said than done I know, but I’ve lived through the alternative and I’m ready to give something else a try.
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