Addressing Concerns
I'm getting a lot of emails etc. telling me that what i am doing is wrong and dangerous - I totally understand this. I just hope that people will also realize that to initiate change sometimes people have to suffer. At this point in my experience, I accept the suffering. The information and advice I have received during this process basically illustrates the ignorance and danger associated with SSRIs like Paxil. The way I see it, if my experience can help others and uncover more information about these drugs - then it is worth every zap and every tear - regardless of what happens to me. I feel like I'm just a messenger at this point.
Some have even said that I am being irresponsible with my tapering process by showing that it can be done in a month. That is completely untrue. I am only one month into the process and I know I have a long road ahead of me. Am I trying to be some kind of martyr? No, I'm just a guy who happens to have the ability to tell a story - and a commitment to finding the truth.
I do agree that what you're doing IS dangerous. However, I also agree that you're going to save a LOT of people...
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